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Sustainability <br/> Performance Reporting

Performance Reporting

Sustainability Performance Reporting

Our vision is to '...deliver sustainable value...' and be a 'world-class sustainable and integrated energy solutions' provider in the region. Our reporting process is one of the key action to achieve our Vision and deliver our 'Mission'. We develop our Sustainability Reporting in an honest and open way that helps build trust, motivate our employees to foster a culture of 'ONE ENOC', and improve our environmental and social performance.

Reporting Standard


In compiling our reports, we review external standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative Guidelines and ISAE 3000 Assurance Standard (revised). All of our Sustainability Reports are prepared in accordance with the core option of GRI Standard and Oil & Gas Sector Supplement. The 2019 edition has been released recently.

We also follow the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues,IPIECA; the American Petroleum Institute (API); and the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP).

Sustainability Reports


In our sustainability reporting we aim to cover our economic, social and environmental impacts. Our impacts are far reaching, so we have identified and prioritized our most material impacts to the business and to stakeholders across our value chain. See how we are Defining our material issues (provide link to "Key issues to ENOC" in above section). Our report includes performance data for our direct operations and information on how we are managing the most material issues across our value chain, which encompasses both our supply chain and how our products reach our consumers.

Our performance indicators, such as our process environmental and occupational safety indicators, do not include contract production or outsourced support services.

Our online Sustainability Report for 2019 covers ENOC's sustainability performance for the 2014-2019 reporting period. Data is provided for ENOC's wholly owned companies and subsidiaries except for data related to Dragon Oil operations.

Operations and sites where we do not have management control and operations categorised as joint ventures or investments are excluded from the scope of all performance indicators, unless otherwise indicated in ENOC's Sustainability Report 2019.

The link to our latest Sustainability Report 2019 will be available soon.

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