Commercial and International Sales - Energy Businesses - Our Businesses - ENOC

Commercial and International Sales

ENOC Commercial and International Sales offers a comprehensive range of products catering to customer requirements across a number of industries and markets, both in the UAE and further afield in the Middle East region. By covering the management, operations and sales of products such as jet fuel, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), lubricants, bulk fuel, ENOC is committed to providing products of the highest quality, adhering to all international safety and quality standards.

Products are regularly tested and certified by international quality standards auditors, with ongoing in-house control ensuring consistency and maintenance of standards, and products are supported by comprehensive after-sales service and a team of qualified, experienced staff. With an international presence spanning the Middle East, Asia, Africa and the CIS countries, the Commercial and International Sales segment of ENOC has several key subsidiary operations that cover aviation fuelling, gas distribution, lubes production and distribution, bulk fuels (industrial products).

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